Save Your Staff Time,
and your Institution Money

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Get A LOT Of Time Back

In as little as a week, we can reduce the amount of time your administrative staff is on the phone by up to 98%.  Get your highly qualified staff back to doing the jobs they love instead of endlessly calling through a list of people that might be available. Fill shifts faster, and get time back.  It doesn’t get any better than that! 

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Reduce Your Costs. 

Not only do we save time and money in calling, teams that impliment StaffStat can save over 32% on their agency usage spend.  Use the staff you have and give them the chance to earn more.  It’s Win-Win. 

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Reduce Staff Churn

Finding and training staff costs more than you think! Not only do you have to sift through endles job applications, you have to double up on staff until everyone is trained.  With StaffStat, we help you stay full staffed, encourge stronger communication and give your team opportunities to earn more.  Reduce burnout and keep the staff you already love. 

Get Started

“We relied heavily on phone calls for scheduling. This ate up a large part of our day (16 hours a week). This approach was time-consuming and prone to errors, leading to scheduling conflicts. Phone calls often resulted in delays in filling open shifts, as we had to wait for responses from each employee.”

Colton Tew, Albright Manor